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Otherwise, an error message will warn the user. Output: Error message or successful login 3. The new password and confirm password fields are entered. If they match, the old password will be updated with the new one. Output: Error or confirmation message will be displayed. Then the system finds the email addresses of the recipients by querying the database according to their user ids. Then, the message text will be sent to the recipients.

Output: error message or e-mail notification to the user s and confirmation message will be displayed. Input: user id, name, department, e-mail address, address, status, password. The function will also check the database whether the user already exists or not. According to the results, the system adds the user to the all user list with a confirmation message, and notifies the user by e-mail user id, password , or the function displays an error message. Output: error message or updated all user list, confirmation message, and e-mail notification to the user will be displayed.

Input: user id. Process: The administrator activates the function and enters the user id. The function also checks from the database whether the user already exists or not. According to the results, the system deletes the user from the all user list with a confirmation message, and notifies the user by e-mail, or the function displays an error message.

Output: error message or updated all user list, and confirmation message will be displayed. Input: none Process: When the administrator login the system, automatically, the current user list is displayed. The function queries the database for users who were registered to the system. Output: All users with their respective details user id, name, telephone number, e-mail address, status will be displayed.

Also the function notifies the user by e-mail, or the function displays an error message. Input: none Process: When the registrar logon the system, automatically, all student list is displayed. The function queries the database for all the students who were enrolled. Output: List of all students enrolled with their respective details student id, name, major, address, e- mail, phone, and faculty will be displayed. Process: The registrar activates the function and enters the related input values of the new student.

The function also checks from the database whether the student already exists or not. According to the results, the system adds the student to the all student list with a confirmation message, or the function displays an error message. Output: error message or updated all student list and confirmation message will be displayed. Input: student id Process: The registrar activates the function and enters the student id of the student.

The function also checks whether the user already exists or not. According to the results, the system deletes the student from the all students list with a confirmation message, or the function displays an error message.

Output: error message or updated all student list, and confirmation message will be displayed. Input: student id Process: By this function, the database is queried for all the personal information of the student. Input: student id Process: With this function, the database is queried for all the personal information of the student. Input: none Process: By this function, the database is queried for all the course information.

According to the result, the courses that were registered are displayed. Output: error message or a report which contains course code, course name, course credit, course status, and department will be displayed.

The courses of USIU must be introduced to the system before they are assigned to the students. Input: course code, course name, course credit, course status, department. Process: The registrar activates the function and enters the related input values of the new course.

The function also checks from the database whether the course already exists or not. According to the results, the system adds the course to the all course list with a confirmation message, or the function displays an error message.

Output: error message or updated course list, and confirmation message will be displayed. Input: course code Process: The registrar activates the function and selects the course code of the course to be deleted. From the all courses list, the course and its related information is deleted. With a confirmation message or the function displays an error message.

Input: RO file. Process: By this function, the RO file will be uploaded to the system. The file will consist of student id, course code, course title, academic status, year, semester, CGPA and the grade of the course, which have been taken by the student in the previous semester. Output: error message or confirmation message will be displayed. Input: exchange, foreign, under-graduate, graduate and post-graduate. Process: The registrar will select the options to make the desired query.

The registrar is allowed to select multiple options. According to the query, the list of students will be displayed and the number of students will be calculated. Output: list of all students enrolled student id, name, name, department, under-graduate, graduate, post- graduate, status, number of students will be displayed.

Input: none Process: By this function, the database is queried for all the registered users. Output: All user lists user id, name, name, telephone number, permanent address, e-mail address, status will be displayed.

Output: List of the students enrolled. Input: student id Process: When this function is called, the database is queried for all the personal information of the student. Input: none Process: When this function is called, the database is queried for all the registered users. Output: All user lists user id, name, telephone number, e-mail address, status will be displayed.

Then the system finds the email addresses of the recipients by querying the database according to their student ids. Output: error message or e-mail notification to the student s and confirmation message will be displayed. The advisor can use Insert Course, and Delete Course functions. Output: Course screen with list of course information, Insert Course, and Delete Course buttons will be displayed. After this operation, the refreshed list of courses will be displayed.

Output: error message or updated course screen and confirmation message will be displayed. Input: student id Process: When this function is called, the database will be queried for the students information about the date of registration. According to the results, the registration date information will be displayed. Output: error message if not registered in the system 3. A select course button will be displayed where the student can select the courses.

Output: Selected course list is displayed. Output: Personal information list user id, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, status will be displayed. Input: none Process: When this function is called, the database is queried for all the transcripts in the system. Output: Transcript will be displayed. Output: Users personal information user id, name, telephone number, e-mail address, status will be displayed. Output: course information list course code, course title, course credit, time and class will be displayed by the system.

Input: none Process: When this function is called, the database is queried for the class list information. Output: class list student no, student name, attendance will be displayed by the system.

Output: students grade information student no, student name, course code, course name, grade will be displayed by the system and send to the RO. This includes adding, changing and deleting, displaying all users, changing passwords of user account information from the system. Actors Administrator Pre-Conditions The administrator must be logged on to the system before the use case begins. Post-Condition If the use case was successful, the user account information is added, updated, or deleted from the system.

Otherwise, the system state is unchanged. Alternate Flow User Not Found: If a user account with the specified User name does not exist, the system displays an error message. The Administrator can then enter a different User name or cancel the operation, at which point the use case ends. Post-Condition The system shall add, delete, change user password.

This includes adding student, updating student, and updating grade. Actors Registrar Pre-Conditions Registrar must be logged onto the system before this use case begins. Otherwise the system state is unchanged. Alternate Flow Student not found: If a student with specified id does not exist, the system displays an error message.

The registrar may enter a different id or cancel the operation. At this point, the Use case ends. Post-Condition The system shall add student, update student, and update grade.



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